About Us

Our mission is to see a billion souls make it heaven by enabling churches to disciple at scale.

We're turning the Great Commission into software.

The church has a lot of software that helps it run. Apps to enable digital giving. Apps that help manage your Sunday. Apps that help you market to the lost.

We saw a need for a new app that enables the Great Commission; Go and make disciples. Discipleship is the process that keeps you on the narrow road. We looked at the sea of faces on a Sunday, and saw sheep without a shepherd. When life got hard, they didn't have a leader to talk to. When life got hard, they didn't have a leader that notices.

These are classic scale problems. Process and structure are not the prequel to scale, but they are the fruit of scaling. We set out to solve discipleship at scale, using the data you are already collecting. Identify the next step in each member's walk, pick out the right leader for them, manage the process till they move forward.


Steeple Works is a group of pastors born as innovators. Nerds who love Sunday at church, geeking out over every little data point, relentlessly iterating every detail.
Izak Filmalter

Izak Filmalter


Amy Filmalter

Amy Filmalter

Co Founder

Chris Coppola

Chris Coppola
